The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) mandates businesses in Charlottesville, VA, to submit Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) to FinCEN to curb financial crimes such as money laundering and tax evasion.
As of today, 11-26-2024, Charlottesville business owners have 36 calendar days (or 27 business days) left to file their BOI reports with FinCEN—delay could mean fines of $500 per day!
Deadline: ASAP
Most LLCs, corporations, and similar entities must file unless exempt, such as charities or publicly traded companies.
Deadline: 12-10-2024
Beneficial owners are individuals who either:
Own 25% or more of the business, or
Hold substantial control over its operations.
Deadline: 12-17-2024
Details needed include:
Business: Name, EIN, and physical address.
Beneficial Owners: Name, residential address, birth date, and ID details.
Existing Businesses: File by 01/01/2025.
New Businesses (2024): File within 90 days of formation.
New Businesses (2025 and later): File within 30 days of formation.
Get started with ZenBusiness to ensure compliance with ease.
Most small businesses, like local bakeries or landscaping services in Charlottesville, qualify as “reporting companies.” Exemptions include banks and nonprofits.
A beneficial owner is someone who either:
Owns 25% or more of the business, or
Exercises significant control over business decisions.
For example, a small art gallery co-owned by two partners, with one managing operations and another providing capital, may require both to report as beneficial owners.
Each BOI report requires:
Business Details: Name, EIN, and address.
Owner Details: Full names, home addresses, birth dates, and ID numbers.
Submit reports electronically via FinCEN’s system. Filing deadlines are:
Existing Businesses (pre-2024): File by 01/01/2025.
New Businesses (2024): File within 90 days of registration.
New Businesses (2025 and later): File within 30 days of registration.
Failure to file or providing inaccurate information could lead to fines of $500 per day and imprisonment. Businesses have a 90-day grace period to correct errors.
ZenBusiness simplifies BOI reporting, ensuring accurate filings and saving businesses valuable time. Let ZenBusiness help you stay compliant today.
Ensure your Charlottesville business is prepared before the deadline to avoid costly penalties!