Think of unparalleled learning opportunities and their impact on human resources and workplace culture. This interactive workshop will also discuss ethical considerations and safeguards.
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Join OneDigital, UVA Foundation, Charlottesville SHRM at the North Fork Meeting Center, and the following special guests. Grant Tate, CEO - BBTx Consulting, Ian Solomon, Dean - Frank Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy at UVA, Courtney Valladeras HR Manager - UVA Foundation Director, Seiver Jorgenson - MBA student at UVA, Brenden Grace, AI Expert and business owner, and Sarah Struckman, Business Development Executive - OneDigital, Andrew Fast, Ph.D. & Vice President - DataShapes AI, and Lisa Berlizova, AI Expert & Author.
Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of technology in business and ensure your organization and your people are prepared for the future.